The The Causality Effect of the BI 7DRR Policy and the Inflation Rate on Commercial Credit Distribution (April 2016-November 2020)

Hubungan Kausalitas Kebijakan BI 7DRR dan Tingkat Inflasi terhadap Penyaluran Kredit Bank Umum (April 2016-November 2020)


  • Ade Nurhidayah Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Credit Distribution, BI 7DRR, Inflation


This study aims to determine the causality effect of the BI7DRR policy and the inflation rate on commercial bank credit distribution. The data used are secondary data obtained from Bank Indonesia and Indonesian Banking Statistic by the Financial Services Authority. This study uses time series data which is processed using software eviews with the Vector Error Correction
Model (VECM) method. The result of the study show that in the causality test, the BI7DRR and inflation variables don’t have a causality effect , but in the long term, the BI7DRR and inflation variables have a negative and significant effect on lending. Then in the short term, goodness of fit BI7DRR and inflation are 72.67% and 87.72%, which means that these variables can explain credit
distribution variables well.


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How to Cite

Nurhidayah, A. (2022). The The Causality Effect of the BI 7DRR Policy and the Inflation Rate on Commercial Credit Distribution (April 2016-November 2020): Hubungan Kausalitas Kebijakan BI 7DRR dan Tingkat Inflasi terhadap Penyaluran Kredit Bank Umum (April 2016-November 2020). Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi, Perkantoran, Dan Akuntansi - JPEPA, 3(1), 248-261. Retrieved from